fbpx Core Facility Laboratories | Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG&MUG

Core Facility Laboratories

Last modified: 
2021, July 21 - 10:01am

Kierownik / Head -  dr hab. Rafał Sądej, prof. GUMed

tel: +48 58 349 1585
sekretariat: +48 58 349 1438

Lista pracowników / Employees:

dr hab. Paulina Czaplewska, prof. UG tel. +48 58 523 6437 e-mail
dr Katarzyna Macur tel.+48 58 523 6437 e-mail
mgr Aleksandra Lewandowska tel.+48 58 523 6437 e-mail

Core Facility Laboratories:

Laboratory of Biomolecular Interactions

Laboratory of Genetic Analysis

Laboratory of bioinformatics

BSL-3 Laboratory

Laboratory of imaging and data analysis

Mass Spectrometry Laboratory

Laboratory of Plant Breeding

Isotope Laboratory